Within this section, you'll learn about the multiple joinable groups that we have, whether they're part of the series or created by our member base. Please note that some factions aren't as detailed as others, and if they're created by a member, you must speak with the member who created them before creating a character for that faction.
We strongly recommend reading over the factions in entireity as you might find some might work differently than you think, e.g. our knights of the Imperial Court do not work like typical planetary Sailor Moon knights.
All factions accept original characters unless otherwise noted.
Self-explanatory, can be from any planetary system or even from outside of our universe. Civilians can wield power but their power might not be as powerful as someone one of the other factions. They can also have no power if the player chooses.
If the civilian was born within the realm of the Galaxy Cauldron, they would have a Star Seed.
Sailor Senshi
Sailor Senshi are female warriors with powers attached to a celestial body. Sailor Senshi possess both a civilian and a Sailor Senshi form in which they can use to wield their powers, but depending on how powerful they are they might be able to wield them outside of their forms. They access their powers through the use of an item, e.g. a transformation pen or brooch.
Men cannot be Sailor Senshi despite planetary guardians possessing a Sailor Crystal. Although King Endymion possesses Earth's Sailor Crystal, he is not capable of transforming into a Sailor Senshi and wields his power in either his civilian or alternative form.
Otaku Senshi
Information coming soon, but please feel free to apply for an Otaku Senshi!
The Imperial Knights

Written/Created by: Kenshi Aino/Death Phantom
The Imperial Court was founded in the Silver Millennium by Lord Nomen as a militant format of protection for the Milky Way Galaxy. The prime mission of an Imperial Knight is the protection of Milky Way Galaxy. The tides of becoming an Imperial Knight though it is not only limited to those of royal blood , it also is open to those who wish to enter into the Imperial Academy who are willing to follow the rules and directives sworn by a Knight. Through the centuries the Imperial Court has protected earth in co-partnership with each team of senshi from the first generation of Senshi issued under Queen Serenity herself to the current Sailor Senshi four guardians. The Imperial Court often is far stricter than that of the Sailor Senshi. It's Commander and Chief of Operations of the Imperial Court is Graceson Milla Aino who holds the rank of Court Judge Admiral.
The War of the Silver Millennium
The War of the Silver Millennium was one of the most complex and hard wars the Imperial Court. Imperial Knights were the ground troops used to fend off Beryl's troops as well as protect Queen Serenity and King Nomen. With things looking grim and with Serenity's last act of power to reincarnate the senshi Nomen took full command of the Imperial Court casting the Imperial Court into the shadows to watch from a far Earth's progression in silence.
The return of the Imperial Court
The Imperial Court would not reveal itself until 30th Century Crystal Tokyo. Reason for this was for the faith Nomen had in his daughter Neo Queen Serenity. In between time of being in those shadows Nomen aside from watching the progression of earth the Moon King spent his genius as a scientist recreating a body for Queen Serenity , in the process breaking the DNA coding and energy for that of an Outer Being. Through watching the progression of earth Nomen's worry for his daughter would grow, as it would grow for the Milky Way Galaxy . Each foe seemed to come more powerful then the next each fight harder than the next . To ensure ever lasting peace he brought forth the Imperial Court once more revealing the old origination in which was founded by the head of the Moon Family.
Commanding Knights
These three high ranking Knights make the Court Judge Assembly , if an Imperial Knight is to be court marshaled and a hearing is happening these three admirals have the final say upon the person's fate .. Their ruling can only be changed by King Nomen who is the founder of the Imperial Knights and ruler of the Milky Way Galaxy .
- Graceson Meila Aino: Rank: first Court Judge Admiral clearance level 14
- Samous Wilton: Rank: Second court Judge Admiral - clearance level 13
- Samous rarely is ever seen . He is the second highest Imperial Knight and mainly stays on the others side of the Universe where he handles any matter Graceson is unable to
- Umera Kage: Rank: Vice Admiral of the Imperial Knights - clearance level 12. Umera Kage comes from one of the most powerful magic and spell using families . Despite this Umera choose to join the Imperial Knights to earn his achievements where he feels he would have been spoon fed in the Kage family.
Generals of the Imperial Court ( Past , Present and future )
- Mitsukai Chiba ( 30th century Crystal Tokyo )
- Kenshi Aino ( 15 year future time line of 30th century time line "possibly alt universe")
- Zanus Fong ( Silver Millennium )
- Graceson Milla Aino ( Silver Millennium "Fong's replacement for when he was promoted as Serenity's personal Body guard." )
Information coming soon, but please feel free to apply for a villain!